Thursday, October 1, 2009

Trojan/Spyware Question?

Okay, the screen on my computer is light blue and the letters that bear this message are yellow:

"Warning: Spyware threat has been detected on your PC. Your computer has several fatal errors due to spyware activity. Click here to scan for spyware.

I have McAfee Virus Protection and it keeps popping up with a warning of the Trojan "Generic" It says that it cannot quarantine it, and that my computer must restart or to close the message. When I close the message, it simply pops back up. When I restart it, it says the same thing.

Any suggestions on how to get rid of this? Is is safe to download a spyware program at the moment? Does the link on the blue screen simply lead to more problems?


Trojan/Spyware Question?norton ghost

Is your McAfee current ( not outdated) ? I would remove it !

Do you have Spybot ? You can download from web., has a free scan., called Housecall. Scan your computer and see what pops up, then remove it.

You can always download Avast and AVG. from the WEB, and it's free also.

$ Kaspersky Shield deluxe 2008, I would recommend the best for your Money.

If all fails, the best thing to do is Reformat. But remember, you will loose everthing, so save your documents and music and pictures, etc.

All 3rd party software will have to be installed, all over again.

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