What program can you download that contains that virus?
Symantec endpoint protection.
If a virus is quarantined, will it affect my computer?
What is better to do?
Delete. Fix. or restore?
Thanks so much!
I can use as much advice as i can.
%26#123;don't answer if you have no f***ing clue%26#125;
It only takes less then 10 minutes..!?vincent
Adware is a varient of malicious programs. This is generally the ones that generate popups based on what you look at. [example, looking at hunting gear will generate hunting pop-ups]
Quarantine just seperates the file from accessing the rest of the computer. it is still present but is kept within your anti-virus.
Once you delete it it is gone for good, atleast for most anti-virus thats the case.
It only takes less then 10 minutes..!?adware remover
If a virus is quarantined it will not affect your computer it is stored into a folder where ever that folder is put is through Symantec but when you quanentee this pretty much means you can access it if it ddi something bad after you deleted or you can send it to yoru friends if you hate them =] but you would delete if you know its a virus. you fix when the file is corrupted or something happend to that specific file doesn't mean its a virus just a file that was damaged and you can restore but i'm not quite sure what that refers to but i would assume jsut like fixing. bringing it back up to date
Quarantine is like a safety locker, what gets in doesn't get out.
Its better to delete the file unless you know its importance. Some of the applications may corrupt/malfunction by deleting the file.
Quatantined objects doesn't affect your working.
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