Sunday, October 4, 2009

Need help with Active Virus shield.?

im thinking of switching from avast to AVS, but i want to know somethings first.

I tried the 30 day trial of kaspersky on my computer, and it made my internet extremely slow. it would take about a minute just to go on an ordinary website, and when i exit kaspersky, my internet would become fast again. i was wondering if the same thing would happen with avs. also other than a virus scan and realtime protection what other features does it have?

Need help with Active Virus shield.?live update

KAV and KIS both have a Web-Shield which scans all incoming HTTP traffic on Port 80. Any Web-Shield on any anti-virus tends to slow browsing down. Many people consider it superfluous and shut it down compleatly. All files get scanned by the file scanner anyway. AVS does not have web-shield.

AVS is KAV minus Web-shield, Proactive Defence Module (PDM) and the ability to exclude from scanning user defined folders.

I like Active Virus Shield. A lot. Made by Kaspersky which is one of top-rated anti-virus vendors in the world. Best of all it's free.

In recent tests, the most popular free anti-virus, AVG, was only able to detect about 82% of a very large sample of viruses. On the other hand, Active Virus Shield was able to detect better than 99% in the same test.

Full test chart is here:

Active Virus Shield has excellent virus detection rates and is extremely light on using your computer resources. (6mb ram)

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