Saturday, June 19, 2010

Contra Virus. Please, I need help from people who actually know what it is.?

After extensive research, I've found out that the annoying contra-virus is some sort of rouge anti-spyware product. That really makes no sense to me, but whatever. Spybot Search and Destroy doesn't work, and neither does my virus-protection. It was suggested that I run Spyware Doctor, and I did. But its expensive to buy it. I'm pretty much computer illiterate, so none of the "do-it-yourself" guides make sense to me, plus, it says if I do it wrong I could mess up my whole system. Don't wanna do that.

Is there -any- EASY %26 FREE way for someone like me to get rid of this god damn f**king thing. I've had it for over a month now and its really driving me crazy.

Also, would Norton get rid of it?

Contra Virus. Please, I need help from people who actually know what it is.?software

download the contra virus remover: http://aurorafix.xoftspyse.hop.clickbank...

install it...then follow the instructions here:

Contra Virus. Please, I need help from people who actually know what it is.?vincent

try spyware doctor

and the activation code is in go and type in spyware doctor and clik search on
Your computer has a Smitfraud infection. (removal tool is down the bottom).

"ContraVirus is a rogue anti-spyware application that is known to be installed on your computer without permission by Trojans. Once installed this software will supposedly scan your computer for malware, and report back what is found. In order to remove anything it finds, though, you must first purchase the full commercial version of the software."

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